Saturday, August 28, 2010

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Radio 24 on DAB? Let's Rock!

At this year's radio days was heard that the plans of the Tamedia group, with two programs "Radio 24" and "Capital FM" HD Radio the include operational, were discarded revealed. Where, now the question of whether it the theme of digital radio for the Tamedia group is completely off the table, or if you want to instead focus on the DAB + standard, and suddenly appear on the layer of SwissMediaCast will appear.

is undisputed that "Radio 24" a very strong brand in the Swiss radio market represents. A presence of fire, "Radio 24" on the DAB + layer would underline the importance of digital radio in Switzerland certainly. However, the question is whether the launching of the "Radio 24" main program actually reaching the listener creates a tangible benefit can be. In the Zurich area can "Radio 24" today on various FM frequencies are received. With DAB + would be the program outside of Zurich to receive a good quality.

would be much more interesting however, would bring the tamedia "Radio 24 Rock Channel on DAB +. The SwissMediaCast layer is lacking among other things, a precise format of the genre. The whole German-speaking Switzerland would thus benefit from a free to air from the air rock station. The "Channel Radio 24 Rock" might be - enriched with news articles and word of "Radio 24" - quickly removed from its shadowy existence as web radio, and it should probably very quickly its own Fans rally behind him. Also for the advertisers would be an appropriate format very interesting, but could be the "Radio 24 Rock Channel" are posted each additional charge as an option for a campaign to "Radio 24".

Sunday, August 15, 2010

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Digital Radio: Content is King

is listening to the radio to our everyday life. The vast majority of listeners using the radio mainly as a classic companion medium. Man / woman will be a radio, can exhilarate from music and always remains aware of the important events of the day.

However, changing the medium of radio. Finally, the Internet gave new impetus to the radio. The radio from the Network allows access to more suddenly than 10,000 stations. Programs from around the world are accessible by pressing a button. The Internet offers scope for countless radio division, which can serve the fans of certain genres via live stream. Today, the selection of the Internet is so great that many listeners probably resign before the resulting confusion and fall back to the traditional program. Additionally, there is podcasting, which is a kind of "radio on demand" and allows the selective retrieval of previously broadcast productions. The targeted use of the radio medium is simplified with the podcasting very much.

And what role there is the Digital Radio? 10 years ago started the SRG SSR idée suisse with first broadcast in the DAB standard. For years, the digital distribution of this offer is limited to the largest metropolitan areas, until the expansion extended to the whole of Switzerland and was finally launched one year ago with the migration to the new DAB + standard. Today, the installed base is estimated at 500,000 DAB + equipment. Unfortunately, no one knows exact figures.

can in much of the German-speaking Switzerland today, thanks to DAB + as 25 radio channels can be received. Right buoyed DAB + digital radio in late 2008, when the music stopped DRS wave spreading over the country station and then on his way to Beromünster the listeners will digitally. The demand for digital radios rose sharply for a moment. Although the DRS wave music for years even via cable, satellite or Internet can be heard, there was a need for mobile, respectively. location-independent receiver options. The example of the DRS music wave also shows an example, that a division radio can take its place as the accompanying media. Hundreds of thousands of listeners found themselves motivated to buy a digital receiver to their favorite radio program to continue to watch a very simple manner.

Today the question is what further impetus is needed to allow the additional Digital Radio Listeners can win it. It is probably not the advertising that are here must come first. Certainly, the coverage is now guaranteed and the noise-free quality is higher than that of analog FM radios. In must also know the audience advised decision. Critical to the continued success but is a very different factor: the selection and variety programs. The digital radio is not helped if already on VHF-air local radio stations via DAB + also common. This step is certainly under way, but it should be delayed until well as regional DAB + layer are available. At present, it is much more important that the new national DAB + Layer Colors program is filled. Different genres are still not represented, although they could ensure that new target groups should be tapped.

could stay and where now use the programs, what new fields such as dance, rock, country, oldies or Musica Latina? The main problem currently lies in the relatively high distribution costs. This active support is appreciated! instead to put more funds into expensive billboard and TV campaigns, or even in competitions, finally Ways should be found, such as the distribution costs can be lowered for interested operators. It is the diversity of the offer, which the Digital Radio will bring new listeners! It is to be set so that the development of digital radio will continue to be successful - in Switzerland, but also in all other European markets.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Examples Of Monthly Counseling Statement

Radio Street Parade on DAB +?

During a good month, two interesting events are received on FM radio stations in the region of Zurich. Radio Street Parade and Rundfunk.FM provide the Zurich area equal to two FM frequencies, with their unique beats.

pity that part of the Digital Radio lobby absolutely no effort is made to spread such formats on the remaining spare capacity in the DAB + layer. The broadcast would in any case limited in time and it would allow these events radios to be heard beyond the city limits of Zurich beyond. A positive side effect: the entire German-speaking Switzerland had something like this and DAB + digital radio would come on top of that on very good PR. Here, would provide a unique opportunity to bring digital radio to a minimal effort into the consciousness of the people.